Annuaire inverse États-Unis
Comment identifier et géolocaliser un numéro de téléphone de États-Unis depuis un autre pays ?
En analysant la structure du numéro, vous pouvez identifier le pays mais aussi la ville ou la région de provenance d’un appel provenant de États-Unis
Le numéro d'appel reçu commence par l'indicatif +1 ou 001.
Puis par :
Préfixe | Région / Ville |
(1+)205 | Alabama |
(1+)256 | Alabama |
(1+)334 | Alabama |
(1+)251 | Alabama |
(1+)907 | Alaska |
(1+)520 | Arizona |
(1+)480 | Arizona |
(1+)928 | Arizona |
(1+)602 | Arizona |
(1+)623 | Arizona |
(1+)501 | Arkansas |
(1+)479 | Arkansas |
(1+)870 | Arkansas |
(1+)909 | California |
(1+)530 | California |
(1+)415 | California |
(1+)619 | California |
(1+)805 | California |
(1+)925 | California |
(1+)310 | California |
(1+)661 | California |
(1+)408 | California |
(1+)714 | California |
(1+)760 | California |
(1+)831 | California |
(1+)510 | California |
(1+)650 | California |
(1+)213 | California |
(1+)916 | California |
(1+)323 | California |
(1+)562 | California |
(1+)818 | California |
(1+)707 | California |
(1+)951 | California |
(1+)209 | California |
(1+)559 | California |
(1+)949 | California |
(1+)424 | California |
(1+)626 | California |
(1+)858 | California |
(1+)720 | Colorado |
(1+)719 | Colorado |
(1+)970 | Colorado |
(1+)303 | Colorado |
(1+)203 | Connecticut |
(1+)860 | Connecticut |
(1+)302 | Delaware |
(1+)202 | District Of Columbia |
(1+)813 | Florida |
(1+)352 | Florida |
(1+)689 | Florida |
(1+)772 | Florida |
(1+)850 | Florida |
(1+)904 | Florida |
(1+)407 | Florida |
(1+)305 | Florida |
(1+)754 | Florida |
(1+)954 | Florida |
(1+)786 | Florida |
(1+)863 | Florida |
(1+)321 | Florida |
(1+)561 | Florida |
(1+)239 | Florida |
(1+)386 | Florida |
(1+)941 | Florida |
(1+)727 | Florida |
(1+)770 | Georgia |
(1+)678 | Georgia |
(1+)478 | Georgia |
(1+)762 | Georgia |
(1+)404 | Georgia |
(1+)706 | Georgia |
(1+)912 | Georgia |
(1+)229 | Georgia |
(1+)808 | Hawaii |
(1+)208 | Idaho |
(1+)773 | Illinois |
(1+)224 | Illinois |
(1+)618 | Illinois |
(1+)847 | Illinois |
(1+)312 | Illinois |
(1+)217 | Illinois |
(1+)309 | Illinois |
(1+)708 | Illinois |
(1+)630 | Illinois |
(1+)779 | Illinois |
(1+)815 | Illinois |
(1+)730 | Illinois |
(1+)812 | Indiana |
(1+)219 | Indiana |
(1+)260 | Indiana |
(1+)574 | Indiana |
(1+)765 | Indiana |
(1+)317 | Indiana |
(1+)515 | Iowa |
(1+)563 | Iowa |
(1+)712 | Iowa |
(1+)641 | Iowa |
(1+)319 | Iowa |
(1+)316 | Kansas |
(1+)620 | Kansas |
(1+)785 | Kansas |
(1+)913 | Kansas |
(1+)270 | Kentucky |
(1+)606 | Kentucky |
(1+)859 | Kentucky |
(1+)502 | Kentucky |
(1+)985 | Louisiana |
(1+)225 | Louisiana |
(1+)337 | Louisiana |
(1+)504 | Louisiana |
(1+)318 | Louisiana |
(1+)207 | Maine |
(1+)410 | Maryland |
(1+)443 | Maryland |
(1+)240 | Maryland |
(1+)301 | Maryland |
(1+)857 | Massachusetts |
(1+)351 | Massachusetts |
(1+)413 | Massachusetts |
(1+)617 | Massachusetts |
(1+)978 | Massachusetts |
(1+)339 | Massachusetts |
(1+)508 | Massachusetts |
(1+)781 | Massachusetts |
(1+)774 | Massachusetts |
(1+)989 | Michigan |
(1+)269 | Michigan |
(1+)586 | Michigan |
(1+)810 | Michigan |
(1+)906 | Michigan |
(1+)313 | Michigan |
(1+)517 | Michigan |
(1+)616 | Michigan |
(1+)248 | Michigan |
(1+)734 | Michigan |
(1+)947 | Michigan |
(1+)231 | Michigan |
(1+)218 | Minnesota |
(1+)763 | Minnesota |
(1+)612 | Minnesota |
(1+)651 | Minnesota |
(1+)952 | Minnesota |
(1+)507 | Minnesota |
(1+)320 | Minnesota |
(1+)228 | Mississippi |
(1+)601 | Mississippi |
(1+)662 | Mississippi |
(1+)417 | Missouri |
(1+)314 | Missouri |
(1+)769 | Missouri |
(1+)573 | Missouri |
(1+)660 | Missouri |
(1+)636 | Missouri |
(1+)816 | Missouri |
(1+)406 | Montana |
(1+)308 | Nebraska |
(1+)402 | Nebraska |
(1+)775 | Nevada |
(1+)702 | Nevada |
(1+)603 | New Hampshire |
(1+)856 | New Jersey |
(1+)908 | New Jersey |
(1+)848 | New Jersey |
(1+)201 | New Jersey |
(1+)973 | New Jersey |
(1+)609 | New Jersey |
(1+)862 | New Jersey |
(1+)732 | New Jersey |
(1+)551 | New Jersey |
(1+)505 | New Mexico |
(1+)315 | New York |
(1+)518 | New York |
(1+)585 | New York |
(1+)347 | New York |
(1+)718 | New York |
(1+)516 | New York |
(1+)845 | New York |
(1+)716 | New York |
(1+)917 | New York |
(1+)646 | New York |
(1+)212 | New York |
(1+)607 | New York |
(1+)914 | New York |
(1+)631 | New York |
(1+)980 | North Carolina |
(1+)336 | North Carolina |
(1+)919 | North Carolina |
(1+)252 | North Carolina |
(1+)828 | North Carolina |
(1+)704 | North Carolina |
(1+)910 | North Carolina |
(1+)701 | North Dakota |
(1+)937 | Ohio |
(1+)216 | Ohio |
(1+)513 | Ohio |
(1+)614 | Ohio |
(1+)440 | Ohio |
(1+)330 | Ohio |
(1+)567 | Ohio |
(1+)740 | Ohio |
(1+)234 | Ohio |
(1+)419 | Ohio |
(1+)580 | Oklahoma |
(1+)918 | Oklahoma |
(1+)405 | Oklahoma |
(1+)971 | Oregon |
(1+)503 | Oregon |
(1+)541 | Oregon |
(1+)724 | Pennsylvania |
(1+)484 | Pennsylvania |
(1+)267 | Pennsylvania |
(1+)412 | Pennsylvania |
(1+)717 | Pennsylvania |
(1+)878 | Pennsylvania |
(1+)215 | Pennsylvania |
(1+)570 | Pennsylvania |
(1+)610 | Pennsylvania |
(1+)814 | Pennsylvania |
(1+)401 | Rhode Island |
(1+)843 | South Carolina |
(1+)803 | South Carolina |
(1+)864 | South Carolina |
(1+)605 | South Dakota |
(1+)931 | Tennessee |
(1+)615 | Tennessee |
(1+)901 | Tennessee |
(1+)865 | Tennessee |
(1+)731 | Tennessee |
(1+)423 | Tennessee |
(1+)940 | Texas |
(1+)936 | Texas |
(1+)682 | Texas |
(1+)979 | Texas |
(1+)806 | Texas |
(1+)903 | Texas |
(1+)469 | Texas |
(1+)972 | Texas |
(1+)254 | Texas |
(1+)409 | Texas |
(1+)832 | Texas |
(1+)512 | Texas |
(1+)214 | Texas |
(1+)713 | Texas |
(1+)830 | Texas |
(1+)956 | Texas |
(1+)325 | Texas |
(1+)432 | Texas |
(1+)915 | Texas |
(1+)210 | Texas |
(1+)430 | Texas |
(1+)817 | Texas |
(1+)281 | Texas |
(1+)361 | Texas |
(1+)435 | Utah |
(1+)801 | Utah |
(1+)802 | Vermont |
(1+)571 | Virginia |
(1+)804 | Virginia |
(1+)757 | Virginia |
(1+)434 | Virginia |
(1+)703 | Virginia |
(1+)276 | Virginia |
(1+)540 | Virginia |
(1+)360 | Washington |
(1+)253 | Washington |
(1+)509 | Washington |
(1+)425 | Washington |
(1+)206 | Washington |
(1+)304 | West Virginia |
(1+)414 | Wisconsin |
(1+)262 | Wisconsin |
(1+)920 | Wisconsin |
(1+)715 | Wisconsin |
(1+)608 | Wisconsin |
(1+)307 | Wyoming |
Annuaire inversé pour États-Unis
Nous avons identifié un annuaire inversé international pour États-Unis :
Principaux opérateurs téléphoniques
- Aeris Comm. Inc.
- Airtel Wireless LLC
- Allied Wireless Communications Corporation
- Arctic Slope Telephone Association Cooperative Inc.
- AT&T Wireless Inc.
- Bluegrass Wireless LLC
- Cable & Communications Corp.
- California RSA No. 3 Limited Partnership
- Cambridge Telephone Company Inc.
- Caprock Cellular Ltd.
- Cellular Network Partnership LLC
- Choice Phone LLC
- Cincinnati Bell Wireless LLC
- Cingular Wireless
- Coleman County Telco /Trans TX
- Consolidated Telcom
- Cross Valliant Cellular Partnership
- Cross Wireless Telephone Co.
- Custer Telephone Cooperative Inc.
- Dobson Cellular Systems
- E.N.M.R. Telephone Coop.
- East Kentucky Network LLC
- Edge Wireless LLC
- Elkhart TelCo. / Epic Touch Co.
- Farmers
- Fisher Wireless Services Inc.
- GCI Communication Corp.
- Get Mobile Inc.
- Illinois Valley Cellular RSA 2 Partnership
- Iowa RSA No. 2 Limited Partnership
- Iowa Wireless Services LLC
- Jasper
- Kaplan Telephone Company Inc.
- Keystone Wireless LLC
- Lamar County Cellular
- Leap Wireless International Inc.
- Matanuska Tel. Assn. Inc.
- Message Express Co. / Airlink PCS
- Michigan Wireless LLC
- Minnesota South. Wirel. Co. / Hickory
- Missouri RSA No 5 Partnership
- Mohave Cellular LP
- NEP Cellcorp Inc.
- Nevada Wireless LLC
- New-Cell Inc.
- Nexus Communications Inc.
- North Carolina RSA 3 Cellular Tel. Co.
- North Dakota Network Company
- Northeast Colorado Cellular Inc.
- Northeast Wireless Networks LLC
- Northstar
- Northwest Missouri Cellular Limited Partnership
- Panhandle Telephone Cooperative Inc.
- PetroCom
- Pine Belt Cellular Inc.
- Plateau Telecommunications Inc.
- Poka Lambro Telco Ltd.
- Public Service Cellular Inc.
- RSA 1 Limited Partnership
- Sagebrush Cellular Inc.
- SLO Cellular Inc / Cellular One of San Luis
- Smith Bagley Inc.
- Southern Communications Services Inc.
- Sprint Spectrum
- T-Mobile
- Telemetrix Inc.
- Testing
- Texas RSA 15B2 Limited Partnership
- Thumb Cellular Limited Partnership
- TMP Corporation
- Triton PCS
- Uintah Basin Electronics Telecommunications Inc.
- Union Telephone Co.
- United States Cellular Corp.
- United Wireless Communications Inc.
- Unknown
- USA 3650 AT&T
- VeriSign
- Verizon Wireless
- West Virginia Wireless
- Westlink Communications LLC
- Wisconsin RSA #7 Limited Partnership
- Yorkville Telephone Cooperative
États-Unis : informations pratiques
- Population : 313847465
- Capitale : Washington, D.C.
- Site du gouvernement :
- Taux d’équipement téléphoniques : 37,5209570774 lignes fixes pour 100 habitants
Etes vous sur que le numéro que vous recherchez vient bien de États-Unis ?
Pour vous assurez que le fixe ou portable qui a essayé de vous joindre provient bien d’un pays étranger, vérifiez si il commence :
- Par le signe + (autre que +33, qui est l'indicatif d’un appel passé depuis la France)
- Ou par deux zéros (00).
Si ce n’est pas le cas il peut provenir du territoire français.